Mission resources

Myrrhbearers Burial Society

We are planning Myrrhbearers Traditional Christian Burial Society, a not-for-profit organisation that will have as its aims:

  • educating Orthodox Christians on the availability and feasibility of traditional Christian funerary and burial practices, including care for and preparation of the departed's body at home (avoiding embalming) and natural ('green') burial
  • disseminating information and preplanning kits on a Christian ending to life to Orthodox churches in the greater Toronto area
  • training people in Orthodox churches through workshops and other courses to implement in their communities and families the full traditional Christian burial
  • supporting Orthodox churches and families in the use of traditional funerary and burial practices, including deploying teams to work with families to care for their departed in their homes
  • collaborating with existing funeral homes and service providers as far as possible to facilitate the provision of traditional burial practices to those who choose them
  • providing (where necessary) a comprehensive burial service as a social not-for-profit enterprise

For more information, visit A Christian Ending website.